NASHNET is a global network of thought leaders dedicated to innovating nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) care delivery, featuring a network of affiliated health systems and industry partners. NASHNET promotes the discovery, development and optimization of care pathways and interventions that align key stakeholders, ensure appropriateness of and linkage to care, and enhance the patient experience.

Since NASHNET was founded in 2016, we have been growing our diverse network of high-performing, population health-focused member organizations. We recognized a need for improved NASH care delivery, including identifying patients earlier in their disease progression. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects more than 30 percent of adults in the United States, and it is among the most common causes of liver disease. If not diagnosed or managed, NAFLD can cause liver fibrosis and progress to NASH or liver cirrhosis.

Our network is solving key challenges across the NASH care continuum by conducting real-world evidence studies to advance research in patient identification, diagnostic pathways, risk stratification, and novel interventions. We aim to promote international NASH awareness and education, ultimately improving patient outcomes. NASHNET is one of seven Networks of Excellence under The Kinetix Group (powered by Petauri) and headquartered in NYC.


Our Mission

To create a standard of care for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a high-volume chronic condition with the help of our multidisciplinary team of experts and global Centers of Excellence Network represented by leading healthcare systems committed to NASH care delivery innovation.



Our Vision

To improve NASH care delivery and enhance the patient experience by fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.

